Sunday 3 October 2010

Here Kitty Kitty...

I was part way through making a techno-zombie but made the head far too small. Instead of frogging it and starting again I decided to convert the head into another cat toy. I was inspired by our cat Tiger-Lilly, one day we found him in the kitchen playing with something that looked like a fluffy grey catkin, on closer inspection it turned out to be the head of a mouse. Ik. But still rather cute, he was enjoying it so much.

Here then is a Zombie Mouse Head:

And here is Horatio enjoying it:

It's full of catnip of course ;)


A friend of mine was kind enough to ferry me back and forth to a hospital in another town, nothing serious, just had to have my foot looked at and apparently the doctors in this town don't know how to do that. Anyway, in thanks I crocheted him a little Death of Rats, him being a fellow Discworld fan and he keeps pet rats...

The scythe was made from fimo polymer clay and the whiskers from fishing line. I did find a pattern online but I couldn't follow it so I decided to use the pattern from Creepy Cute and modify it. Turned out pretty well :)

Friday 1 October 2010

Day of the Cute Tentacle

If you were born during the 80s and are now a gamer you will undoubtedly have played the epic point-and-click adventure game, Day of the Tentacle by Lucas Arts:

My brother and I loved it. So for his birthday last year I made him a tentacle which now sits on his computer desk:

I found the pattern on Amy's Odyssey it's most awesome.

Cthulhu Calls

At last I worked out how to do the wings, ok I say at last but it was actually about a year ago.

This little guy sat in front of the book at work and helped us sell more than we would have otherwise!

The bit of yarn trailing from his bum was left there so I could tie him onto the display, didn't want to make it easy for people to nick him!

Finally got the Hang of Hair!

The Lady Vampire's hair was done by tying on individual strands of yarn which was time consuming and didn't look all that good in the end. I only did it like that because I didn't understand how to follow the instructions for hair making in the Creepy Cute book, but by Beltaine I'd finally figured it out. I decided to make a seasonal amigurumi, a Beltaine Maiden:

The flowers were made from embroidery thread with a fine crochet hook, the patterns from the book I mentioned in my first post.